T: 07754 959 815 E: polly@heatonstherapy.co.uk

"I was slightly nervous leading up to the first session but my nerves subsided as soon as I sat in the room with Polly, I felt very comfortable. Polly is very caring and will listen to every word you have to say.
CBT is great if you want to overcome fears and thoughts involved with anxiety. It has certainly helped me. I would recommend anyone thinking about CBT to give it a go. CBT and Polly have helped me a lot in understanding and unscrambling the anxiety thoughts and symptoms."
"As a parent, the hardest thing has to be seeing your child in distress and even harder recognising you are not the person who can make things better.
After seeing the advert we decided to give Polly a ring. She quickly reassured me about how she might be able to help my daughter with her panic attacks and anxiety. She spoke to me at length which I needed to build up some trust. I knew once the therapy started I needed to take a step back so it was an opportunity to share my concerns and my interpretation.
We saw changes in my daughter in a quick space of time, particularly straight after each session, but after a while the changes and coping mechanisms became more long term. She is so much stronger and positive after six months and I now believe she has something she can take forward when she goes to university in a year's time.
I am still angry about the demands and high expectations placed on young people and I am not surprised to hear of the rise in mental health issues for those in the 16-18 age group. But I am so pleased that we found Polly when we did as her style, personality and techniques suited my daughter so well and it's lovely just to have my baby back!"
Mum of 16 year old student

"Somewhat sceptical at the start, I have done a complete 180 on my opinion of CBT. It has helped me greatly to overcome my problems, but also left me with the skills and tools to continue to develop and improve."
"The process has been clear and transparent from the outset which has enabled an almost immediate bond of trust, which I felt to be essential in ensuring my total commitment. This was achieved by Polly within session 1 and continued throughout.
Being encouraged to determine the session planning together with Polly and having such a structure also provided a greater sense of purpose."